Where We Stand (COVID-19)

If you’re like me, you’re likely overwhelmed with updates on the coronavirus.  At the risk of sending you over the edge, allow me to fill you in on where we, your church family, stand.  I’ve put much prayer and consideration into how we can respond to the current climate of all this.  The Bishop, our church’s leadership and I concur that it is best that we cancel all classes, meetings and gatherings until further notice. 

That being said, our discipleship and Christian duty is not on hold.  There are still some very practical ways that you–regardless of age, health, etc.–can respond.

  1. Join Us Online
    If you’re reading this email, that’s a good start!  I know that online communication isn’t the most practical medium for some of us, but there is much I can do to serve you through social media and our website.  I encourage you to follow our online presence for devotionals and prayers.  Additionally, share posts and links with others so that those outside our faith community may hear God’s Word!
  2. Pick Up the Phone
    One of my biggest concerns with this situation is those that may experience loneliness.  For many of us, church is one of the few places that we interact with friends and feel loved.  We cannot let that spirit die.  I encourage you to pick up the phone and call, text or message someone in our church.  You never know how someone else is responding to this and what your outreach may mean to them.
  3. Donate to E.C.C.H.O.
    There are various on-going efforts to ensure the needs of the affected are met, and I believe that donating to E.C.C.H.O. is our best way to respond collectively. Their clothing section is currently closed but the food pantry is focused on packaged and non-perishable food items. Cash donations are also welcome (see our online giving service and select the fund “ECCHO”). 
  4. Online Giving
    Tithing is never an easy conversation for a pastor to have with his/her parishioners, but it is nonetheless an important one.  As stated, this virus does not change our commission to go and make disciples of all nations (Matt. 28:19).  In fact, I am confident that the financial need will rise for folks that may be affected by the economic decline and the closure of certain employers.  Please consider using our online giving option linked below and on our website.  I am happy to answer any questions if you have issues getting your account set up.